Monday, February 8, 2010

Be the change...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world", that's what I always say... ok so maybe Ghandi said it first, but I like to keep it alive.

With the new year and all... I got to thinking... do you ever look around and think how you are impacted by the kindness (or lack of) of strangers? I often think about the messages I give every day more specifically how I role model to others in my every day life. What messages do we send when we don't exchange any words? As some real life examples, I lived and worked in NYC for 5 years and would always appreciate the person who would give up their seat on the subway for a pregnant mom or an elderly man/woman, I made a judgement... I like that person. Simarlarly I made a judgement for the guy who ran into me while walking down the street and didn't even apologize, he was wearing a Yankees hat.. figures. (See I did it again..I judged!). I love working with fraternities and sororities because we talk about role modeling on a regular basis, do you live the values of your organization only when you are wearing letters? Or do you believe in them wholeheartedly and work every day to made our Founders proud. The power of role modeling isn't limited to fraternities and sororities, imagine if every person that wore their BSC hoodie held the door open for the person behind them, thanked the staff at the Bears Den for their service, or volunteered to put someones groceries in their car at Roche Brothers. Imagine all the people that would see that and think, hey.. I like BSC students, staff, & faculty. Imagine the positive impact we could make in our community by role modeling to others our value of service.

I have to give a shout out to some of the students I think do this best... its the Orientation Staff. I love watching the OL's in action because they breathe life into Ghandi's mission, they show new students the community they want here at BSC and that, in turn, creates change. So my challenge to you (and myself) is to go on, put on that BSC hoodie, and change the world! Go BEARS!

Have you seen Bears out there doing nice things for others? Was it a stranger who let you cross the street by Moakley, a maintainer in your residence hall, or maybe a BSC police officer who helped you out when you needed it most.Tell us about it!


Mrs. Grady said...

I want to give thanks to my 4th Floor Crimson maintainer, Maria. She is the sweetest woman and always chats with me when she's in my room every Tuesday! She makes my day a little brighter. :)

Cindy said...

I had someone buy my lunch in the cafeteria at the end of Fall semester and I had never met the person before. I definitely did the same for someone else in January (that person ran out of cash) so I hope he will "pay it forward" sometime too!

Maribeth Flakes said...

I think the RCC maintainers are the best so I like to check in on them whenever I see them :( Thanks for keeping the RCC looking so nice!!