Howdy Bears! I know it's Monday but hang in there. Think of it as this way, once today is done we'll all be one day closer to the weekend..yay!! So, to help you out with your Monday blues I've decided to pick one of our own Bear-ific students to answer a few questions so we can get to know them a little bit better!!
This is the first time we've done this and we're very excited. Today we are getting to know Rachel Rose Freedenberg, an awesome Bear from Maine..check her out. Do won't.
Oh and P.S. all of her answers are bolded in blue!!
Name: Rachel Rose Freedenberg
Nickname: No thanks.
Year: Some people would say Junior, some would say Senior, I'm not really sure, but May 2011 here I come.
Major: Psychology
Minor: Biology
Three things you didn't know about Rachel until now:
1. I have an issue with drinking obsessive amounts of water a day
2. Fish are probably the greatest animals ever
3. I am the worst texter-backer in the history of cellphones, seriously, ask any of my friends.
There isn't anything that a large ice coffee can't fix.
How are you involved on campus?
Where do I start... President of Program Committee, Member of the Student Leadership Council, Sister of Gamma Phi Beta, Student Weekend Activities Coordinator/Advisor, Weekend Task Force Member, Previous Summer & Winter Orientation Leader.. is that it?
My favorite sport is Hockey, Go Bruins!
How can your personality be best described?
A. Dorky <----? I have no idea
B. Fun
C. Timid
D. Loud
E. Other: _____
My favorite class so far has been Anatomy I, because I'm a nerd.
One of my favorite memories here at BSC so far is meeting miss Catarina Martins over our love of toast.
I am _______'s #1 fan:
A. New England Patriots
B. Indianapolis Colts
C. New Orleans Saints
D. Pittsburgh Steelers
E. Other: I think these are all football teams? So I'm going to go with the Chicago Bears, because I have a really comfy old Superbowl XX t-shirt that I love to wear.
My favorite kind of food is:
A. Italian
B. Chinese
C. American
D. Crimson Dining (glad it made the cut)
E. Other: Deli fresh anything
So what do you guys think? Do you have anything in common with our very own Rachel Rose Freedenberg? Do you have any questions for her? Comment away my dear bears..rawr!
Rachel... tell us more about the toast?!
Oh hey Rachel what's your favorite kind of iced coffee? :)
You know Cindy, it's a funny story. Cat and I were hungry and at a friend's house, and we decided to toast up an entire loaf of bread, and unfortunetly for the guys, they didn't realize we did this and when they went to make sandwiches for lunch the next day, they weren't too happy with us.
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