Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summertime and student organizations

I love when my friends ask me, "so, what do you do all summer when the students are gone?"

Summer is a wierd time in OSIL for sure. We are just finishing up the past five weeks of the Orientation "process" because once those seniors walked across that stage, orientation has been our entire world here. All of the administrative staff and all of the support staff in OSIL play some kind of role in pulling off one of the biggest "events" that happen on our campus. This also includes our 31 OL's who we have spent a great deal of "quality time" with for sure!

On Monday night we will bid farewell to the orientation season and then move on to the rest of our summer. We'll be taking a lot of vacation days for sure, but that's mainly because the academic year doesn't provide a lot of time for vacation days to be used.

Other than vacation, summer provides some great time for us to evaluate the previous year and work on annual reports. I know, that sounds about as much fun as watching golf on tv... but it's a great way for us to organize our thinking about the year's past events and accomplishments. We know that some great things have happened this year and I personally look forward to the chance to sing the praises of the hardworking students and staff affiliated with our department.

We're also working on some cool new things for the fall. We already have an upgraded version of the Involvement Network and all of us will be learning about its new features and what that will offer us. (check it out.. it looks COOL). We're working on supporting a new program on campus called the Portfolio of Excellence where 100 freshmen will be selected to be matched with a mentor who will help the student plan their goals for their BSC life. We're also spending some time on a great new wiki site for student organizations that will bring you all of our policy info in an easy to use and easy to update format.

Beyond that, there's time to clean out files, actually take lunch breaks, and get re-energized after gaining some distance from the craziness of the academic year. We'll be around for sure this summer, so please contact us if you want to work on your fall events or if you just want to say hello. We also just bought a new webcam... so we can "meet" with you even if you can't come to campus! We're so techie..aren't we?

We'll be blogging it out all summer... so check back frequently!


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