Hi,I'm Katelyn, and I'm a freshman at Bridgewater State. I am part of Program Committee and Gamma Phi Beta. Every year, Program Committee sets up a whole week of Springfest events and a Carnival at the end of the week. This year's Springfest was a huge hit! Throughout the whole week there were novelty items that students could make and keep. Some of the novelty items were: sandart, photo puzzles and airbrush backpacks which were a huge hit. On the Thursday Seth Meyers, from Saturday Night Live came and performed and was hilarious. Everyone loved him. Gamma Phi Beta also participated in the Springfest extravaganza by hosting a Rock-a-Thon, where all the sisters continually rock on rocking chairs to help raise money for the Children's Physical Developmental Clinic that is run on campus. The Springfest Carnival sponsored by Program Commitee and the Student Government Association was a tremendous success. There were rides, a rock wall. For all of the students there was free popcorn, fried dough, and snowcones. In keeping with the Springfest theme there were plastic refillable waterbottles handed out that could be filled with lemonade and water and multiple refilling stations. Also, The Green River Ordinance came to perform, they were fantastic and everyone loved them. The warm weather made for a perfect day that went very smoothly, and from what I've heard this Springfest was the best Bridgewater has seen in a few years!
Peace and Love,
Katelyn =)