Hopefully the summer is giving you a chance to relax, but hopefully you are also taking this time to think about the coming semester and what plans you and your fellow organziation members have for your events and activities for the coming year.
The first thing that all clubs have to do, as they do every year, is to register your club with the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. This year, you may actually start the process on-line via the brand new Involvement Network.
The Involvement Network is a website where you will be able to register your organization, maintain membership lists, e-mail lists, a club calendar, do club surveys, and much more.
In order to be fully recognized, all clubs must register on the system for the coming year. This is going to make a big difference in helping you maintain all your organization business and it will also improve communication with the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. Please note that only the president of an organization may fill out the initial club registration form.
Every student is welcome to create an account on the system so that they can learn more about events and sign up to be part of a club. Eventually you will be able to receive a transcript outlining all of your involvement activity while here at BSC.
Sign up now and get a jumpstart on being IN! http://www.bridgew.edu/in